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ArticlesFree And Powerful Ways To Get More TrafficIf you run a website, you know how important a consistent flow of traffic is. Unfortunately, most online marketers find it an ongoing struggle to generate enough traffic to turn a profit. Are you having problems getting visitors to your site? If so, here are some powerful strategies you can start using today to overcome this hurdle in your business: Traffic Generation Strategy # 1: Write articles and submit them to newsletter publishers and article directories. There are thousands of newsletters (also called ezines) published online. Writing good quality articles and submitting them to the publishers for inclusion in these ezines is still one of the best ways to get free, targeted traffic. Start by creating a list of ezine publishers who accept article submissions using a reliable directory such as the Directory of Ezines directoryofezines.com. Once you have this list compiled it will be easy to mail them your new articles on a regular basis. Another great way to get your articles published is to submit them to article directories. Traffic Generation Strategy # 2: Do cross promotions or cross endorsements. Find another product or service that you really like and offer to endorse it in exchange for the creator endorsing your product. This is an effective technique because you both have a relationship with the people on your lists and they trust you. therefore the endorsement carries more weight than an ad would. If you don't currently have a list you can ask for endorsements simply based on the fact that the list owner will earn a commission on all sales to their list. The key is to have them use your product first and then endorse it in their own words. Traffic Generation Strategy # 3: Put together an online survey that collects information of value to webmasters. Once you've completed the survey approach webmasters of sites targeted at your ideal customer and ask them to send some traffic to your survey in exchange for a copy of the results. If you choose a topic that is of great interest you should be able to generate some substantial traffic. Perhaps you can even work out a deal to run several surveys per year to keep an ongoing link on their site. Another way to use your survey is to collect responses by posting a link to it in the forums. Many forums will allow you to do this as long as it collects information and is not a sales pitch. Traffic Generation Strategy # 4: When targeting publications for your articles, or for paid advertisements, look for ones that maintain online archives. Doing so will mean you'll get continued exposure when people read through the past issues. And it's another link to your site, which the search engines love! Traffic Generation Strategy # 5: Run weekly or monthly polls on your site. People love to voice their opinions, so encourage them to do so by running weekly or monthly polls. If you choose topics that are controversial or have a wide appeal, visitors will also be interested in seeing the results. This can be a great way to keep people coming back - especially if you combine it with a method of reminding them when a new poll has been posted and letting them browse through previous poll results. Traffic Generation Strategy # 6: Include an exit popover on important pages. In addition to selling your products and services, the goal of your website should be to capture contact information for as many visitors as possible. This allows you to follow up with them later and hopefully turn them in to a paying customer. When a customer clicks the Back button or closes their browser without buying or joining your mailing list you've lost them, and they may never return. Don't let this happen! Include an exit popover on your site that only appears when someone is leaving. Traffic Generation Strategy # 7: Swap ads with other site/list owners. An alternative to swapping articles is to swap ads. This can include newsletter or website ads, or a combination of the two. What are you waiting for? Get started implementing these traffic generation techniques today and watch your site traffic explode!. Jo Han Mok is a #1 bestselling author and frequent featured speaker at Internet Marketing bootcamps and conferences. Visit his website for a simple step-by-step plan to profit online in 21 days or less! http://www.SuperFastProfit.com Affiliate Marketing Los Angeles Gay Chat Lines Numbers - Review our preferred gay chat lines numbers in Los Angeles CA Hayward Gay Chat Lines - Stop by our utmost gay chat lines within Hayward CA Palmdale Gay Chatrooms - Have a look at the most appropriate gay chatrooms inside Palmdale CA Atlanta Gay Chat Line Numbers - Look over our greatest gay chat line numbers for Atlanta GA Acquiring Superior On line marketer Level - A few sound tips available for Affiliate marketers more... |
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